Knavecon 4 completed. Usually I do not play games on Knavecon, rather chase my kids around but this time we (Daniel is 8 yr old) managed to play few:
Tag Archives: Knavecon
Waiting for Knavecon 4
Knavecon 3 was success as expected 😉 New venue but same great event, lots of shops, huge amount of games to play. This time we had our kids to mind so didn’t play any heavy games but still manage to play few quick ones: 2 x Nogi Stonogi, 1 x Budowa Zamku, 1 x Kosmiczna Misja, 1 x Nuts!, 2 x Tsuro, 2 x Coup. I was not very successful selling games, only 2 found new owners ;). Thanks Wee Gamers for below pictures (you can find more on their Facebook). Waiting for Knavecon Vic to announce date for next event.

Boys are just in the middle of Budowa Zamku – youngest one won it!!! (with a little help from parents)
Fun Cakes 😉
Knavecon 3
Knavecon 2 was great and I am sure Knavecon 3 will be even better – more games, more shops, few tournamets 😉 I am looking to sell/swap few games so make sure you bring yours as well. See you all there on Saturday.
Check for more at official Knavcon Facebook profile here.