Just ordered, my first Cthulhu game, supposed to be Arkham Horror Lite 😉 More of Eldritch Horror as soon as I play first game
Just ordered, my first Cthulhu game, supposed to be Arkham Horror Lite 😉 More of Eldritch Horror as soon as I play first game
A Study in Emerald by designer Martin Wallace is a boardgame based on short novel by Neil Gaiman. It’s a Sherlock Holmes and Cthulhu mix. Game was published via successful Kickstarter campaign but is currently available to buy from various game shops. It’s is expensive…we are talking over £50. Famous Mr. Timewalker purchased a copy of this gem few weeks ago and I was invited to play this last night 😉
If you have kids you probably know Adventure Time cartoon – it’s ugly when you first see it but then there is something interesting in it, kids love it and when I spotted actual card game based on this series (actually card game based on card game played in one of episodes) I decided to check what’s the story 😉
Another great Thursday Night. We have started with few games of Cash and Guns – fast and funny party game where you need to kill others and collect most money – it’s OK, not bad…but not that great either. Next was Poo: The Card Game – well, this one was funny 😉 You are throwing poo at other players (yes) to win 😉 There are different cards to protect you or to re-direct poo to hit other players – it’s funny player elimination, light card game. If you have spare 10 minutes it’s fantastic game, not sure how this will work after 5 plays. Next one was mighty Imperial 2030 – what a game!!!
Knavecon 3 was success as expected 😉 New venue but same great event, lots of shops, huge amount of games to play. This time we had our kids to mind so didn’t play any heavy games but still manage to play few quick ones: 2 x Nogi Stonogi, 1 x Budowa Zamku, 1 x Kosmiczna Misja, 1 x Nuts!, 2 x Tsuro, 2 x Coup. I was not very successful selling games, only 2 found new owners ;). Thanks Wee Gamers for below pictures (you can find more on their Facebook). Waiting for Knavecon Vic to announce date for next event.
Boys are just in the middle of Budowa Zamku – youngest one won it!!! (with a little help from parents)
Fun Cakes 😉
Catan Dice Game on Android is just mobile version of same game. It is free and very simple, solo experience only, each game is 5 to 10 minutes. Each turn you can roll your 6 dice up to 3 times, can keep some of it or re-roll all. Once you get set required for road, knight, settlement or city you can use those dice and build it. You are trying to build as many of above as possible. For each knight you build you may use extra resource (only once). You have to build buildings and knights in sequence starting with lowest number. Each road must be connected to each other. Game ends after 15 rounds and your total score is sum of all turns minus 2 points for each turn without score. Download it here for free. Can you beat my 73 points high-score? 😉
Have spare $5 + $2 for shipping? You can spend it than on Kickstarter campaign for small game Province. It’s 2-player worker placement game. They call it: ”quick-to-learn eurogame that you can fit in your pocket!”. Minimum pledge level is $5 and you can do it here. Check out how to play video – it’s seems like pretty good filler game. Still 5 days to go.
Knavecon 2 was great and I am sure Knavecon 3 will be even better – more games, more shops, few tournamets 😉 I am looking to sell/swap few games so make sure you bring yours as well. See you all there on Saturday.
Check for more at official Knavcon Facebook profile here.
After missing few Thursdays due to holidays and house moving I have eventually managed to play few games last night with Mr. Timewalk. Game of the day was Nations but we started with quick game of Kosmonauts – it’s a race game placed is Solar system and your goal is to land on planets, get victory tokens and go back to Earth. I like this game and will post more about it some time later. Next was Mascarade – an absolute winner for me! Quick, bluffing, memory type of game where – something similar to Love Letter and Coup but with some chaos involved as you can swap cards without showing to other if you actually swapped it or not. One of the action is checking what card you have and with all the swaps (or ‘swaps’) you sometimes have no clue who you play 😉 I think lads didn’t really like it but I hope to play it more. Well, game of the day was Nations. Through the Ages Lite? Not really – they took best things from TTA, added some mechanics from other games, shorten play time and we have possible, future number 1 on BGG.com ranking.
Just back from winter holidays with few new games (mostly kids games) – one that we really like is Nogi Stonogi (Centipede Legs). This is fast and simple dice game where your target is to have longest centipede at the end of game 😉 Each turn you have 3 rolls of 4 dice with different color shoes (and one joker) and claim one of the tiles (4, 3 or 2 legs). When no more tiles available to claim game ends – simple as that. ‘Advanced rules’ are that you can claim another player legs that match your dice roll (only last tile of your centipede). What is really great about this? Well, it is one of those simple games that are funny to play with kids as well as with adults and for the price of 8 euro it is just must buy 😉 Really 😉