There is nothing better to be defeated by 10 year old son in 14+ years suggested ages boardgame! This boardgame is also my birthday present! Seasons is fantastic game so far. It plays under 60 mins (2 players), looks great and it’s fun and easy – even 10 years old can play it!
Author Archives: admin
Imperial Settlers
Imperial Settlers is pretty much best Polish design in recent years and I am lucky one to have a copy signed by it’s designer Ignacy Trzewiczek (it’s says ‘Green Fields of Ireland’).
This game is simple worker placement/card drawing for 1 to 4 players. Below are few pictures of it cartoonish style graphics.
Le Havre
Le Havre is worker placement game by Uwe Rosenberg (Agricola) – game is currently number 15 at BGG ranking.
KnaveKids countdown – Flash Point: Fire Rescue
Best games to play with kids are cooperative games: with small kids you can do all the job and let them just roll the dice or move figures and it is still great time (for all). Flash Point is great example of good coop to play with kids – I have played that with 3 and 4 year old. There is family variant and advanced variant if you want more challenge, you can also mix rules from both as you like.
KnaveKids countdown – Turtles (Ribbit)
I am responsible for 99% of Turtles game copies in Ireland 😉 Game was introduced at Knavecon 2 few years ago and became instant hit. One of those games that can be enjoyed by kids and adults. Some people even suggested to play it for money. Simple rules, very fast, great components. Get your turtle the first to reach the lettuce using your 5 cards hand. Thing is you do not know what colour are other players. Jump on the back of others and let them carry you to finish line 😉
Pictured above are 5 and 7 year old and as you can see they enjoy it a lot ;).
Just remember that ‘advanced’, unofficial version must be played with adults: winner is turtle on top and not on the bottom like in official rules.
Several copies of Turtles will be available to play at KnaveKids. We might even do small ‘tournament’.
KnaveKids countdown – Risk
People behind Knavecon event decided to organize something similar to it yet different: boardgaming convention for kids and families! We have tried kids corner on last Knavecon and it was quite popular and successful – there were of course some issues but lot of experience gained and more ideas for future. The idea is to encourage families to play games together. Play games that are fun for parents and kids. I will try to show here few games ‘tested’ on my kids. All of them were played together with parents.
First one is all time classic Risk (Enhanced edition)
New edition of Through the Ages
Czech Games Edition is working on new, updated version of Through the Ages. Game should be ready for this year Essen. Below are few pics from this new edition (not final).
Lord of the Rings LCG (pics)

This gallery contains 18 photos.
Recent problems with my old TV forced me to spent few evenings with Lord of the Rings LCG card game I got myself last year for birthday. I only got core set and 2 expansion packs: Hunt for Gollum and … Continue reading
Tabled – brand new gaming blog
Brand new, gaming related blog just started today – Tabled.
Expect all the best from Jay – person behind BroCon and one of Knavecon’s staff, and a serious gamer 😉
Dice Brewing
Beer + games = perfect combination 😉 Dice Brewing is game published with help of crowdfunding by Polish company board&dice. It is nice and not that easy dice game with some great graphics and pretty good production quality.